Men are equally victims of domestic abuse, looking back to when we were courting there were red flags, as the years went by it intensified very slowly then about 6years I escaped with the help of domestic abuse agency for Male victims.
There was no physical violence against me only physiological manipulation and coercive control and had a effect on my physical health and to everyone else she was a nice sister in the hall .so after I left the house the elders were insisting that I returned to the marriage and I was told that a man should never leave his wife and this was repeated many times.
But again the expert help and advice from the domestic abuse agency I never did return to the abusive marriage and went through a horrendous divorce.
So please if something doesn't feel right in your marriage whether Male or female contact a domestic abuse agency avoid the elders at all costs.
Its not a easy thing to leave a abusive relationship but with the help of experts it can be done, when the time is right (took me a few years because of my kids).
If physical violence please contact the authorities asap.
Living my best life now ,free from a abusive marriage and a abusive and controlling religion, they both use the same tactics to control their victims.